Wedding Flowers
History and traditions of wedding flowers.
Just a gust of scent and we go back to our childhood memories, particular perfumes that remind us of sensations lived in the past.
Flowers are the scented and colored spectators of the most important day of our life, our “YES”, our wedding party. Happy and romantic, flowers surround all the wedding with a sweet and warm hug.
Since ever, the wedding idea has been linked with a floral image: orange flowers, arrived here in Italy from the Arabian tradition, are the wedding symbol of pureness and fertility. And it’s properly from the Arabian world that borns the tradition to adorn the bride with flowers, as a good wish large progeny.
In Italy this tradition came between the VII and IX century, during the invasion of Sicily by the Mori population. But here, the symbolic worth of the bouquet starts to represent just the future bride’s innocence and purity.
In the Greek world it was the myrtle, flowers dedicated to Venus, who represented the goddess of love. This tradition was adopted by the Germans, who make this flower the typical bridal symbol.
Shakespeare describes that in the Elizabethan era, the English people used the rosemary to celebrate weddings, as a symbol of loyalty and memories.
Meanwhile in Provence, home of herbs and dry flowers, is common to compose the bouquet with dried flowers.
In the USA the tradition is that the bride’s bouquet should be matched with another identical one, but made in silk.